About Dimensional Health

Dimensional Health

At Dimensional, we want employees to be healthy and in charge of their medical care. The facility on our Austin campus provides immediate and convenient access to both primary and preventative care for employees.


The clinic can treat your ongoing health concerns and facilitate care with providers, and it offers a holistic approach to wellness. Practitioners are able to spend more time with you than typical medical offices, arrange lab work onsite, and call in prescriptions.



  • Same-day doctor and nurse appointments
  • Affordable care for all services
  • Accepts both Dimensional’s United Healthcare plans as in-network
  • Online scheduling, results, and feedback
  • On-site lab work
  • 30 to 60 minute appointments to address your holistic care
  • 24-hour on-call service



“Be Well. Do Good. Enjoy Life.”


We have engaged Crossover Health Medical Group to create Dimensional Health. Crossover provides worksite health services to some of the most innovative companies in the world, organizing care and wellness around the patient.


Crossover is passionate about motivating people to live their healthiest possible life. They believe that wellness prevents illness and translates into people who are fully engaged in their work, their families and friends, and their own personal vision of where they want to be.